My Track didn't go to event map

david harmon

I am looking for help on track visibility.  I was recently involved in a search where there were many resources, tracks, waypoints, markers, search areas, etc.  I have admin rights on our department's account(?) and I have a personal login.  I recorded my track in the normal way and during the search my track was visible to me, and I could see all of the other searcher's tracks.  At the end of the day, I ended my track and saved it.  In review of the searched areas, one of my teammates said that he couldn't see my track when I forwarded him the link to the map that we were using.  It turned out that two different days, my tracks did not show up to the main account(?) or wasn't visible to others.  I played with the eye ball icon to make my tracks visible, in which case they showed up as a dull orange track, but only on my device.  When I look at the Map Items, my tracks and a marker that I created are not there.  I believe they were there and visible while I was in the field  and actively tracking because I was picked up by another user who was able to see me. (it is possible he saw my teammate's track rather than seeing my marker.  

The bottom line: I have tracks in my account that did not save to the search operation's map and I am trying to figure out why.




  • Comment author
    Julie Vargo
    • Official comment

    Hi David,

    Likely what happened here was that you started tracking before opening the search map. Once you opened the search map, you could see your track and other person's tracks, but the track itself was only recording to your phone. 

    There are two ways to solve this. First, just make sure you always open the map first, then start recording your track. If you forget to do that, when you open the map you have to click on your track button at the bottom of the screen, edit it, and tell it to save to "My Account + This Map."



  • Comment author
    Brent Hottle

    I am having the same issue. I access the map from the account, open it. Start tracking. Track shows up on my phone along with waypoints I add but my data doesn’t show on everyone else’s phone. I see others tracks.


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