File for regularly used markers
We have a number of regular places for our SAR teams to meet depending on the callout. Currently these markers are in a file (ICP Locations) on the left of the map and when one needs to be used it gets copied to the ICS markers file and the ICP Locations file tick is deleted. This then shows up on all our team phones.
Is there another way to do this?
Should add that we have a master map used on all tasks, then copied and saved as the task number once completed. The master map is then cleared of everything but the 2 files, ICS markers and ICP locations.
What I have setup is a template map setup that I export to a new map, give it the tasking number at that point. (Map objects, export, format: copy to new map) That way I don't have to worry about wrecking my template. Maybe this would work for you?
We also use a template map. It has our headquarters which is our ICP for most of our operations. It also has a few folders whose contents don’t open on startup but are accessible if needed. We open the template and then copy it as a new map. One feature that I would like to see is a way to lock the map from any further edits or additions so that the template doesn’t accidentally get used and corrupted.
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