Enhance the WMS auto-configure URL feature
Can you modify how your auto-configure WMS works?
I added this WMS layer tonight.
http:// https://opengeo.ncep.noaa.gov:443/geoserver/conus/conus_bref_qcd/wms?SERVICE=WMS&?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&BBOX={left},{bottom},{right},{top}&WIDTH={tilesize}&HEIGHT={tilesize}&BGCOLOR=0xCCCCCC&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&FORMAT=image/png&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage&SRS=EPSG:4326&LAYERS=conus_bref_qcd
I noticed that the background wasn't transparent until I added Transparent=TRUE. Consider adding that into the URL for certain servers.
(Apparently ESRI doesn't expose that in its API), but opengeo does.
1 comment
The link above is from here: https://opengeo.ncep.noaa.gov/geoserver/www/index.html
Sorry, hit sent too soon. When adding the above link, some junk layers come up.
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