Offline App not plotting APRS locations

Matt McCormick

I'm using 4232 version of CalTopo Offline App on a computer with a radio attached.    The APRS live tracks i have work when the computer has internet access but do not plot locally received packets.   I have the properties file setup like the instructions on the training site.   The ARPS packets appear in the logs but do not show up on the offline map.    Any ideas why?

I see these messages in the console when APRS packets are received:

APSLocalEngine [INFO] Serial data:   <packet>

SimpleLocationDispatcher [DEBUG] Location report LOCAL <callsign omittted @ <latitude>,<longitude>

LocalLocationService [DEBUG] Local location report LOCAL:<callsign omitted> @ <latitude>,<longitude>

LiveTracksService [DEBUG] Updating device list ...

LiveTracksService [DEBUG] Updating device list ...

 and so on.

The radio I'm using (Kenwood TH-D74A) support KISS mode and works on the same computer running CalTopo Desktop with other APRS applications  such as PinpointAPRS using the same COM port and settings.   I close the other apps so CalTopo Desktop can use the COM port.




  • Comment author
    • Official comment

    Hi Matt, 

    Can you reach out to us directly at if you are still running into this issue?

  • Comment author
    Matt McCormick

    Thanks Rachel. I will reach out shortly.

  • Comment author
    Corey Stone

    I have the same problem with version 4239.  Any updates?

  • Comment author
    Matt McCormick

    The issue I had was resolved in 4233.  It was something related to not being a Team member.   They did tell me to click the Shared Locations / Local Stations layer to view the APRS beacons. Once you see them you then click on them and click “Record to Map”.


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