With inReach from Garmin - Dog Tracking
If you are using the new Alpha 200i from Garmin and have an inReach subscription, will CalTopo pull the handheld and the dog collar information stored in the handheld to live tracking on CalTopo?
If you are using the new Alpha 200i from Garmin and have an inReach subscription, will CalTopo pull the handheld and the dog collar information stored in the handheld to live tracking on CalTopo?
We do not directly support integration with the dog collars. We do have an API you can send position updates to, if you can get them into the right format. There's a guy in Washington that wrote a program to get the Garmin collars into this format, but it's a volunteer/hobby project and we can't promise any level of support from him. https://database.kcsara.org/alphas
Rachel I am interested to learn about that API, where can I find the docs?
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